Thursday, 12 November 2015

The Great Gathering Up!

The annual November Spiddal Gathering is nearly upon us...

The Annual Spiddal Gathering us almost upon us and once more we anticipate the sweet sounds of the playing of tunes infiltrating the chilly winter Spiddal air and insinuating their way into the ears of unwary passers by, causing foot tapping, singing and even dancing to spontaneously break out at random.

The Spiddal Gathering is currently in its seventh year and in honour of the occasion we at Spiddal Sessions interviewed Tom Giblin and Maria O'Hare in their historic and musically significant home, Lord Killanin's Gate Lodge, one time home to Dé Danann and the scene of many an impromptu session over the years.

From the baptismal flooding of the first year to the ever increasing number of barrels of later festivals, Tom and Maria take us through some of the highlights of the yarns that have emerged from the Gathering over the years.

We have included, for your entertainment and enlightenment, some photos of previous years and some clips of rare film footage of certain musicians, well known locally, playing in the Gate Lodge at various times.

We hope to gather more information at the Gathering itself (20-22 November 2015) from willing participants and eventually to amass enough material to produce a major Hollywood movie, with George Clooney and Meryl Streep playing Tom and Maria for Spiddal Gathering: The Movie, or, failing that, to create an interesting archive for the wonderment of future generations.

We hope you enjoy our first attempt at manipulating film for our purposes and we hope to bring you more of the same in the future.

The history of the Spiddal Gathering on YouTube